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To celebrate Summer Term, we’re playing BINGO!
We have some amazing prizes lined up, including $50 coupons off a course, Wellness Gift Packages, and the grand prize of a FREE COURSE ($950 value!).
- Get a line (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) to get $50 off your next course!
- Each line enters you into a drawing for a FREE COURSE or Wellness Package!
- The first person to get a blackout wins a Wellness Package!
The Wellness Package includes products from our favorite health-focused brands like Paleovalley, LMNT, Pluck, Purity Coffee, WishGarden Herbs, and more!
All students, prospective students, and graduates are welcome to play.
- A line can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal
- Getting 1 line of Bingo = $50 off your next NTI course (everyone’s a winner!)
- Each line is an entry to the drawing for the Grand Prize = the more lines of Bingo you achieve, the more submissions you have! There will be a winner for a Wellness Package and a winner for the Grand Prize of a FREE NTI course ($950 value!)
- The first person to get a Blackout (all squares are crossed off) = Wellness Package Winner!
- Official rules and guidelines are included with the bingo card download.
Once you’ve crossed off as many squares as you can, you can use the link below to submit your bingo card!
- All Bingo card submissions are due by 11:59 pm MT on June 3rd. There will be no exceptions for late Bingo cards.
- Only one submission is permitted per person.
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