
Kelly Hatke, MNT

Kelly Hatke is a Master Nutrition Therapist (MNT) practicing in Boulder, CO (and virtually).  She applies a functional and holistic approach specializing in nutrition for hormone balance, autoimmune nutrition, blood sugar imbalances, and weight management.  Kelly received a B.S. from Purdue University, and both her CNTP and MNT diplomas from the Nutrition Therapy Institute.  Additionally, she holds a certification as an AIP (Autoimmune Paleo) Certified Coach.  She completed her internship working with a triple board-certified physician.  One of her favorite parts of nutrition is recognizing that bio-individuality matters.  It is not a one-size-fits-all approach.  She is mom to two daughters, enjoys hiking, traveling, and exploring the farmer’s markets.  Her current challenge is attempting to learn grain-free baking.