Tami Miller is the owner of Sage Nutrition Coaching, Inc. in Wheat Ridge, CO. Her educational background is in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Mycology and Nutrition. Tami did research at the University of Colorado Medical Center for over 20 years. While obtaining her degree and for several years afterwards, she tutored students at the University in a variety of subjects and decided that teaching was something she wanted to do on a regular basis. Tami has been teaching with Kaplan since 1999 and draws her passion for teaching from the success of her students. She has taught for all standardized tests at Kaplan and has travelled to Qatar to teach at Cornell Weil Medical College and to Abu Dhabi, UAE to teach at Khalifa University. She has recorded podcasts for Biochemistry and videos for Organic Chemistry. Tami is currently a regular Instructor at Khalifa University in addition to her teaching duties at the Nutrition Therapy Institute and Kaplan. In her spare time between nutrition coaching and teaching, Tami likes to spin yarn from wool to crochet and knit, hike, camp and participate in CrossFit.