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Many diseases are a result of a mineral deficiency or a mineral toxicity. It’s very easy to have minerals out of balance. Supplementing with calcium for instance, may cause a magnesium deficiency, which in turn can cause heart disease. Too much fluoride can cause an iodine deficiency, which may result in diseases such as hypothyroid and breast cancer. High levels of aluminum can displace boron, and result in Alzheimer’s Disease.
Minerals play a crucial role when it comes to our DNA. Proper genetic expression is impossible if there are too many, or too little of any particular mineral. In other words, you need to have the right minerals in the right balance in order for your genes to produce healthy cells.
Dr. Richard Olree is a brilliant mineral and genetics expert, as well as a sought out chiropractor. He has studied the interactions of minerals for over 30 years, and has made some incredible discoveries. He has found that our genome calls for 64 minerals. If a trace mineral is unavailable to make the amino acid required by the DNA code, the human system will try another way, using a different set of amino acids and minerals. This can have profound impacts on health.
Dr. Olree was kind enough to share his expertise with us. The information he has provided will be divided into 2 parts.
This is Part 1:
Understanding the Connection between Trace Minerals and our DNA
by Dr. Richard Olree
Minerals make up the universe, and the Human DNA code is the master regulator of minerals in relationship to the continuum of all life.
Every second, the cells constituting our bodies are replaced through cell division. An adult human consists of about 50,000 billion cells, 1% of which die and are replaced by cell division every day. The majority of genes are expressed as the proteins they encode. The process occurs in two steps:
1. Transcription = DNA to RNA
2. Translation = RNA to Protein
Taken together, they make up the “Central Dogma” of biology: DNA to RNA to a protein.
Almost as soon as the structure of DNA was in the bag, biochemists began speculating that the double helix might do more than just store information. Its chemical structure suggested it could conduct electricity like a length of copper wire. This conduction of electrical energy is considered to be strong electrical energy. This type of energy arises at the cellular membrane. There is a constant influx of minerals into and out of the cellular membrane such as calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc. This strong electrical energy gives rise to what is called ‘weak electrical energy’; magnetic in nature and this is the stuff that the meridians are made of.
The current unfolding of protein in the form of individual amino acids is visualized by the Standard Genetic Code.
The Genetic Code consists of 64 triplets (three letters) of nucleotides. These triplets are called codons. The mRNA is composed of four nucleotides: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and uracil (U). With DNA, uracil is replaced with thymine (T) so T = U. With three exceptions, each codon encodes for one of the 20 amino acids used in the synthesis of proteins. That produces some redundancy in the code, most of the amino acids being encoded by more than one codon. The three exceptions are the STOP codons. These three put an ending to the protein being made by the cell’s ribosome.
Your genetic code utilizes minerals to give protein a three-dimensional structure. The book Minerals for the Genetic Code spells out what minerals are needed to give rise to the proper three-dimensional structures. These minerals all have a very specific vibratory frequency. The minerals listed in the book arise from a periodic table created by Dr. Walter Russell. This periodic chart was copyrighted in 1927 – an astounding 50+ years before the theory was proven by particle physicists – and includes 27 minerals in the subatomic fields. These various subatomic particles are hyper-accumulated with our DNA proteins. There are about 20,000 working genes that utilize amino acids to build protein. Proteins have a three-dimensional structure that give rise to all parts of the human body. Minerals provide the vibration to create the correct three- dimensional structure, and vitamins catalyze the three-dimensional creation of each protein.
Proteins accumulate to become cells, and cells accumulate to become organs. Listed below are the name of the minerals and subatomic particles accreted to Dr. Walter Russell, including a conversion to the current names given to subatomic particles in physics today. Following that is the frequency of the minerals and the geometric shape of the mineral.
The Olree Biological Mineral Chart views this as a type of musical spectrum. There are octaves of mineral energy just like the octaves found in music.
Walter Russell’s mineral chart was laid out in nine levels of minerals with the noble gases to be present in the middle of each level; he called these levels octaves. The mineral charts were laid out in a book he wrote in 1955 entitled Atomic Suicide. The ninth level is the heaviest, where all of the radioactive minerals exist. Level eight up to and including the first level, or octave, is where all of life that is DNA-based is deriving its qualities of magnetism, strong and weak electrical forces and gravitational forces.
The Olree Biological Mineral Chart indicates that the ninth octave of minerals is governed by the noble gas radon. Television tells us that too much radon gas is a killer and the second leading cause of lung cancer. The ninth octave contains all the radioactive minerals and should be looked at as the minerals of death.
The eighth octave of minerals is governed by iodine. Iodine must be in the valence of -1. This is where the Grand Unified Theory invokes a rule from gravity. Iodine is the densest mineral and is absolutely necessary for life. One only has to take a look at the importance of the thyroid gland to see how important iodine is as the understanding of tumor suppression genes are further understood in relationship to the importance of iodine.
The seventh octave of minerals is governed by selenium. Selenium has a few other oxidation states other than -2 that the mineral chart calls for, those being +4 and +6 valences; using any oxidation state other than -2 would be the kiss of death. The other -2 oxidation minerals that are dominated by selenium are as follows: oxygen, sulfur, tellurium and polonium.
The sixth octave of minerals is governed by phosphorus. Phosphorus is part of the backbone of DNA. The chemistry of phosphorus is mostly understood in terms of a biochemical perspective. The powerhouse of the cell is considered the mitochondria, and the mitochondria are full of phosphorus to give the cells energy for all protein activities. Phosphorus is as critical to the Krebs cycle as light is to the sun. The mitochondria have its own genetic code and there is a list of mitochondrial diseases. The other minerals that share the same electron valence are nitrogen, arsenic and antimony.
The fifth octave of minerals is governed by two minerals. The heaviest mineral to govern is a +4 mineral silicon, and the other lighter mineral that is controlling the -4’s is carbon. The mineral carbon is the center of what the Olree Biological Mineral Chart is all about. Life is impossible without carbon and silica. Carbon falls in at the half-way point between the top quark (small, subatomic particles), and the heaviest mineral of the eight octaves, iodine. Octave nine is not used by DNA or mRNA.
The fourth octave of minerals is governed by boron. Without question, boron is one of the most up and coming minerals to be studied. Boron is the only mineral that withstands ionizing radiation without changing the delicate balance between the proton and the neutron of the atom’s nucleus. This capacity is one of a subatomic stabilizer. The various ratios of quarks are, more than likely, held in check due to boron. Light is the source of all energy, and too much energy changes the neutron-proton relationships of all of the minerals but boron; therefore, boron is one mineral to take a serious look at in tumor-suppression mineral relationships. Ionizing radiation causes single- and double-stranded breaks in the chromosomes. Other minerals that are +3 are aluminum, scandium, yttrium and lanthanum. It is quite understandable to think that excess aluminum can displace boron.
The third octave of minerals is governed in the ratio by a small part of beryllium, barium and strontium, and in a large part by magnesium and calcium. Magnesium seems to have the greatest load to carry; it is the center of the sunlight energy to three-dimensional life conversions in the form of chlorophyll. There is no life without magnesium’s relationship to chlorophyll – the center of its molecule is magnesium. Humans can absorb or excrete little calcium without magnesium. One of the leading causes of human death is calcification of the arteries called atherosclerosis. Calcium is great stuff to sell on TV; however it is an oversold mineral and is easy to get out of ratio with magnesium due to its over-consumption.
The second octave of minerals is governed in a small part by the ratio of lithium, cesium and rubidium, and in a large part by sodium and potassium. Too much or too little sodium or potassium and life will be cut short.
The highest or lightest octave is octave one, and the closest mineral to light. This is the quark system of understanding. Walter Russell first proposed the relative importance in 1926 in his first book titled The Universal One. At first he thought that there were ten octaves of minerals and later changed his writing to nine octaves, which is what this book is based on. It is in this level that the GOD gene is located. Enter the Higgs Boson particle, first proposed by University of Edinburgh physicist Peter Higgs and colleagues in the late 1960’s, which may have been proven to be a reality with the super collider in full operation. Walter Russell names the subatomic particle alphanon. It is considered by him to be the lightest of the noble gases with no polarity in a -0- polarity octave.
Each mineral has oscillation factors and shape considerations to be taken into account in the unfolding of mRNA. DNA is dependent on the above factors, as well as other factors, when directing the cell to be as conservative as possible. The cell will make a three-dimensional structure from the proper protein. Listed below are the minerals with their respective shapes and oscillation factors. The following summary is of the highest natural abundance frequency found and their physical shape. Resonance frequencies are quoted relative to a resonance frequency of exactly 100 MHz for 1H. The comparison is made relative to hydrogen’s mineral count to the human and all other DNA-based life forms.
The minerals listed have their respective compared to hydrogen at NMR frequencies at 100 MHz with the mineral shape.
All subatomic particles are tied to minerals through electron valences. (Valences are the combining power of an element, especially as measured by the number of hydrogen atoms it can displace or combine with.) Many minerals have more than one electron valence, where some minerals have only one electron valence. In the translation of mRNA, valence is of the utmost importance. If the wrong mineral valence is available it will not create the proper three-dimensional amino acid structures. If the mineral is not present within a system, mRNA through the ribosome will attempt to build the protein with another same-oxidation state mineral, which will in turn build a protein of the wrong three-dimensional structure.
The electric fields produced in folded proteins influence nearly every aspect of protein function. In atomic physics, the Stark effect is the splitting and shifts of a spectral line into several components in the presence of an electric field. The amount of splitting itself is called the Stark shift. The first-order perturbation effects for the Stark effect in hydrogen are in agreement for the Bohr model and the quantum-mechanical theory of the atom.
Molecular vibrations are affected by a weak electrostatic field in two ways: mechanical effects arise from electrical forces on atoms with partial electrical charges; electronic effects arise from the interaction of the field with the molecular electron cloud, which perturbs chemical bonds and alters the charge distribution in the molecule. An electric field affects the electron cloud distribution, and hence the partial charges on the atom; it also affects vibrational transition dipole moments. (A dipole moment is the measure of the electrical polarity of a system of charges.) If a protein is made with the wrong mineral being present, the protein will have a different dipole moment and will not be what DNA has directed the cell to make.
There is an electron valence pattern that is replicated nine times in the Russell mineral chart. The pattern of electron valence goes as follows. -0-, +1, +2, +3, +4-, -3, -2, -1, -0-. The minerals that fall on this valence structure are considered full blown minerals that DNA utilizes, while the rest of the minerals fall into other categories called isotopes, and are under the direction of other minerals in relationship to DNA. An example of minerals under the direction of another mineral is iron; it is under the direction of cobalt. Without cobalt there would be no iron absorption. Cobalt is considered the link between metals and non-metals. There are two other minerals that have these controlling features that cobalt has. The other two minerals are rhodium and lutetium.
Next week we will post Part 2.
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