Graduate Spotlight: Anne BakerAnne Baker is an NTI graduate currently practicing in Michigan. She is the author of a gluten-free cookbook called Season it…
Understanding Probiotics and PrebioticsOur gut microbes have an enormous impact on human health. If you haven’t read Part 1 of this series on…
Student Spotlight: Rachelle AtkinsonImagine going all the way to India to do your NTI internship! That’s what Rachelle Atkinson did. Rachelle is both…
Turmeric Benefits and BioavailabilityTurmeric root is a relative of ginger. It is a yellow spice frequently used in Indian cooking, with a long…
Heartburn: Why throwing acid on the fire may helpOnce again, I find myself helping a friend who struggles with heartburn. At least that’s what we called it back…
Our Amazing MicrobesHere is a thought-provoking concept: How human are we? Really. A human being has about 10 trillion human cells, but…
To Remove or Not to Remove the Gallbladder? That is the Question.That’s the question that I’m asking myself, right now. I was in a head-on car accident several weeks ago in…