The Connection Between Brain Activity & Body Weight August 2020 Research Review Body composition and body weight are intricately interconnected with the brain. One that can alter communication…
Male Infertility – An Epidemic That’s Getting Very Little Media CoverageMy last blog touched on Prostate Health and steps men can take to improve the health of their prostate. In…
Choline is a Nutrient You Should KnowCholine is essential for life. Without it, cells wouldn’t have membranes, inflammation would run rampant, brain function would suffer, and…
5 Tips For Optimal Prostate HealthtsFor those of you who’ve been following my series A Course in Nutrition; Learning Your ABC’s, I’m taking a very…
Vitamin B5 – Pantothenic AcidA Course In Nutrition: Learning Your A, B, C’s Welcome back to Part 5 of our multiple-part series on Vitamins.…
Vitamin B3 – NiacinA Course In Nutrition: Learning Your A, B, C’s Welcome back to Part 4 of our multiple-part series on Vitamins.…
Vitamin B2 – RiboflavinA Course In Nutrition: Learning Your A, B, C’s Welcome back to Part 3 of our multiple-part series on Vitamins.…
Vitamin B1 – Thiamine: Importance, Deficiency, and Food SourcesA Course In Nutrition: Learning Your A, B, C’s Welcome back to Part 2 of our multiple-part series on Vitamins.…
Vitamin AA Course In Nutrition: Learning Your A, B, C’s I just finished teaching my Spring classes at Nutrition Therapy Institute…